Mackinac County
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Crew & People Removed from
Mackinac Island
during the
War of 1812

on the cartel sloop

from the papers of Capt. Dobbins, Buffalo Historical Library

kindly contributed by: Jean
Papers of Daniel Dobbins.
Buffalo New York Historical Society
Heights above Michilimackinac 17th July 1812

Capitulation agreed upon between Captain Charles Roberts commanding his Britanic Majestys Forces on the one part and Lieut. Porter Hanks commanding the Forces of the United States on the other part.

1st The Fort of Michilimackinac shall immediately be surrendered to the British Forces.

2d The garrison shall march out with the honors of war, lay down their arms and become prisioners of war and shall be sent to the United States of America by his Britanic Majesty, not to serve in this war until regularly exchanged and for the due performance of this article the officers pledge their word and honor.

3d All the merchant vessels in the harbor with their crew shall be in possession of their respective owners.

4th Private property shall be held sacred as far as in my power.

5th All citizens of the United States who shall not take the oath of allegiance to his Britanic Majesty shall depart with their property from the Island in one month from the date hereof.

Charles Roberts Capt. Commg H.B. Majestys Forces Mackinaw

Porter Hanks Lieut. U.S.A. commg US Forces Mackinaw

A list of the crew and passengers of the Cartel Schooner Salina
Daniel Dobbins Master (Merchant ship Captain)
Jonathon Gautton Mate
Isaac Mitchell
Asel Wilkinson
Jonathon Hoberts
Benjamin A. Naper
August Frankeir

Those listed under capitulation;
Rufus S. Reed
William Reed
William Davidson
John Dowsman ( my note: John Dousman)
F. B. Holmes
Ambrose Davenport
Constant A. Andrews
Thomas Forth
James Crawford
Polly Crawford his wife
David Crawford child
William Crawford
John Crawford
Mariah Crawford

Belonging to the Sloop Erie;
Walter Morton Master
Wollord Cole Mate
Joseph Lamb
John Morrison
James Sugh (my note Lugh?)

Belonging to the Sloop Friends Good Will;
Oliver Williams Passenger
William Lee Master
James Lee Crew
James Adams "
Urastus Richards (Position unnamed)
Jacob Graversa (?) Interpreter

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