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St. Ignace was settled in 1671 by Father James Marquette, and, for more than a quarter of a century, was really the center of everything of interest in the, at that time, wilderness of Michigan. During this period, it contained a garrison of about 200 well-disciplined soldiers, with a fine fort of pickets and "about sixty houses which formed a street in a straight line." Some six or seven thousand savages dwelt in villages near by. There was a Jesuit mission and college, with an unbroken succession of Jesuit priests. The lands adjacent were cleared and well cultivated, and a sufficient quantity of Indian corn was produced for the use of both the French and savage inhabitants. The town continued to flourish until some dispute arose between Cadilac, the commander of the fort, and the Jesuits, when the former repaired to France, where he received a commission to establish Detroit, which he did in 1701. Subsequent to this date, the town declined until 1706, when the Jesuits became discouraged, burned down their college and chapel and returned to Quebec. The garrison was re-established in 1814, but on the south side of the Straits, at Old Mackinac, now Mackinac City.
Marquette's Grave.—Rev. Edward Jacker, writing in September, 1882, gives the following account of the discovery of Pere Marquette's grave:
Father Marquette, one of the discoverers of the Mississippi, was also one of the first Europeans who journeyed along the western shore of Lower Michigan, and the first who was buried in its soil. His death occurred on May 18, 1675, near the mouth of a water-course generally held to have been what is now called Pere Marquette River.
Two young Frenchmen, the Father's traveling companions since the preceding autumn, and the only witnesses of his lonely death, buried his body near the spot where he died, and before continuing their journey to St. Ignace, erected a large cross above the grave. By these means, some Indians, who exactly two years later, passed that spot, were able, without difficultly or risk of mistake to find the grave. Having first consulted as to the propriety of exhuming and removing the remains of the missionary, whom they had personally known in their former residence at La Point du St. Esprit, on Lake Superior, they disinterred the body and found it completely desiccated, but otherwise well preserved. According to their custom, they dissected it and placed the bones, divested of the integuments, into one of their mawkawks, or birch-bark boxes. Arriving at St. Ignace June 8 (1677), they answered the questions put to them (for the sake of identifying the remains) to the satisfaction of the two Fathers in charge of the mission. On the following day, the box containing Marquette's bones was deposited in a small cellar under the Jesuit chapel.
The facts thus far related were communicated by Father Henry Nouvel (Superior of the Ottawa Missions and present at the interment) to Father Claude Dablon, of Quebec, who inserted them in his report of 1673-79. The original manuscript was happily preserved through all the vicissitudes of the Jesuit's mission in Canada, and first printed by John Gilmary Shea in 1860.
The mission of St. Ignace, at the southeastern extremity of Upper Michigan, was abandoned in consequence of the Huron and Ottawa Indians' removal to Detroit. Only a few Indian families and lawless French remained. To prevent the desecration of the church by those people, the missionaries, at the eve of their departure, set fire to the building, about 1606.
A few years later, the Mackinac mission and trading-post were re-established, not, however, at the former locality, but at the apex of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan (old Mackinac). Still the site of the former mission—about seven miles across the Strait—was not quite abandoned. From the records of the second mission (preserved on Mackinac Island), it appears that about the middle of the last century, a French farmer lived at St. Ignace. After 1781, when the fort and chapel of "Old Mackinac" were transferred to the Island, several other Canadians settled at St. Ignace, where some of their descendants—principally mixed blood—are still living. By these means, a creditable tradition as to the site of Marquette's grave has been preserved. About 1821, the well-known Father Richard, of Detroit, made the first thorough unsuccessful search after the vestiges of the ancient Jesuit chapel. An aged squaw still pointed out the spot where, within her memory, a large wooden cross—marking the site of the mission—had stood at the head of East Moran Bay; but a dense growth of timber and underwood now covered the ground.
In 1838, the present Catholic Church of St. Ignace was built, at a distance of half a mile southeast from the head of the bay. About twelve years later, the section of land within which tradition placed the grave of Father Marquette came into possession of the Murray brothers. They felled the timber on the low level ground at the head of the bay, but, tilling only a part of it, allowed the underwood to grow on a patch of a few acres immediately behind David's house, at a stone's throw from the shore.
Several circumstances, even then, bore evidence to the former occupation, by Europeans, of that particular neighborhood, such as the discovery of shreds of silken and embroidered staffs, a few feet under the ground, close to the house, the traces of small log houses, plainly visible to the east of it, in the shape of square or oblong ridges with a hollow in the middle and a heap of stones in place of the chimney, and the plowing up, at some distance behind the house (west), of stumps of cedar posts, the evident remains of a stockade running north and south for quite a distance.
In the spring of 1877—two hundred years after the interment of Father Marquette's bones—Mr. Patrick Murray, son of David, cleared the patch on which the underwood had been allowed to grow. On this occasion, May 4, it happened that Peter Grondin, a half-breed, engaged in the work, stripped a corner and part of the sides of what appeared to be the foundation of an ancient building. On the following morning, the heaps of brush that covered the ground having been burned to ashes, the whole foundation, in size about 35x40 feet, the longer sides running east and west, became plainly visible. It consisted of flat limestones, partly covered with sod, and formed a ridge about two feet in width and rising from a few inches to a foot above the surrounding level. Within the foundation, near the southwestern corner, a hollow, about ten feet square at the top, and five feet deep, presented every appearance of an artificial excavation, the whole surrounding ground being perfectly level. The circumstance that no trace of a fire-place was to be seen within that area, seemed to indicate that the superstructure had not been used as a dwelling-house.
Behind (west of) the oblong formed by the stone foundation, and connected with it, the vestiges of a more extensive building, or complex of buildings, were seen, somewhat less distinctly, since stone was used more sparingly for the foundations, but plainly enough to distinguish several apartments, in three of which heaps of limestone indicated the former existence of large chimneys.
At a short distance behind the buildings—a little to the left—a hillock, of evidently artificial origin, presented the unmistakable appearance of a large root-house, long gone to ruin. And immediately behind it, the last traces of a long ridge —described above as the remains of a stockade—were still visible.
On the same day, the writer having been advised of the discovery, visited the locality, and, on close examination, found the facts to be as stated above. Soon after, a copy of La Hontan's Voyages, with a plan of the ancient St. Ignace (as seen by that traveler in 1688) came into my hands. The correspondence between that plan and the traces discovered was perfect, and greatly heightened the probability that the site of the old Jesuit mission had at last been discovered. Nothing, in fact, seemed to be wanting to identify the locality but the finding of a disjointed human skeleton, within a birch-bark box, or at least, traces of both, imbedded in the cellar-like excavation mentioned above.
On September 3, nearly four months after the discovery, the proprietor's permission not having been obtained before that date, the final search was made, in the presence of a considerable concourse of people from the neighborhood, with the following result:
The bottom of the ancient cellar was found covered to the height of about a foot with decayed vegetable matter. At one corner, a post, superficially burned and partly decayed, was still standing in its original (perpendicular) position; it was imbedded in sand and gravel, in consequence of the caving in of the sides of the cellar. Underneath the vegetable soil, on the ancient floor, lay scattered pieces of small timber, more or less charred and decayed; lumps of mortar, showing the impress of cedar logs; wrought nails and spikes; a door-hinge; fragments of a large glass jar and small pieces of colored glass. Toward the west end of the cellar, some small pieces of charred birch bark were found, and it soon became evident that here a small excavation had once been made in the bottom of the cellar, to the depth of about two feet. This space contained, besides the sand blackened by the admixture of charcoal, many small particles of pure lime; a large amount of birch bark in shreds, generally crisp and partially charred, and two small fragments of bone. At the bottom of this smaller excavation lay a large piece of strong birch bark, in a horizontal position, and supported by three almost decayed sticks.
A private search made on the following day by Mr. Joseph Manly was rewarded by the discovery of about thirty-five small fragments of bone, the largest hardly two inches in length, and derived from diverse parts of the human skeleton. They had lain closely together behind the smaller excavation, at-about the height of the floor of the cellar, under the loose sand detached from its side.
The result of the search, as here described, became soon known throughout the country, and very little, if any, doubt as to the identity of the ancient mission site and Marquette's grave was expressed by those qualified to judge. Positive proof, such as the discovery of an inscription would have been, was certainly wanting, but the circumstantial evidence appeared very strong. Everything, short of the presence of the principal bones, that might have been expected to be found, was found; and no fact came to light that could not be easily accounted for. The absence of the principal parts of the skeleton is sufficiently explained by the assumption that other parties—be it the missionaries themselves or the people remaining after their departure—had removed those bones to some other place of interment; or, as the Indians were likely to do, used them for superstitious purposes. The very circumstance that most of the small fragments were found outside the grave, on the floor of the cellar immediately behind it, strengthens that supposition. In the process of extracting the bones, they would naturally have first been placed on the cellar floor, behind the grave, where small particles crumbling off were lost sight of, and, in course of time, covered up by the caving in of the ground.
The sketch of the church at St. Ignace was learned from La Hontan's travels, which were translated into English and published at London in 1772. This sketch, together with the evidence to prove that the first settlers there saw a large black cross standing on the spot, led Pere Jacker to direct an exploration of the location. On September 3, 1877, Bishop Mrak inaugurated the explorer's work, but was unsuccessful.
Subsequently, the exploration of the spot, on which a large black cross was said to stand in the olden times, resulted in the discovery of the first chapel, and, undoubtedly, in that of the bones of the venerable missionary priest. It appears that Peter D. Grondin was employed by Patrick Murray five years ago to excavate the ground in the neighborhood of the old church. The search was suggested by Mrs. Peter Grondin, his mother, who remembered that Catherine Martin saw a large black cross standing there. The story was related to Pere Jacker by Peter Grondin, who also informed the priest that he found the foundations of the old church. Several square yards of dirt were dug up, until, on finding a heap of cinders and a mocock, the hopes of the explorers were satisfied. When Peter D. Grondin found the bones and cinders, he sent for Pere Jacker; who took the cedar and birch bark mocock into his possession. A few of the bones have been sent to Rev. K. Ham by Father Jacker, hut the greater number are still in his possession.
Respecting the site of the Marquette mission, the following letter from the highest authority on such a subject is given:
ELIZABETH, N. J., April 15, 1877.
Dear Sir—Though it is more than twenty years since I first wrote, I have never yet been able to identify the various positions which the Mission of St. Ignatius assumed at Mackinac. The vagueness and uncertainty continue, as demonstrated in the following locations:1672 Map in Relations shows it on N. Shore.
1673 Marquette's map shows it on the Island. 1688 La Hontan's map shows M's'n on Mainland N. 1692 Le Clereq's map shows M's'n on Mainland N. 1703 De Lisle's map shows M's'n on Mainland N. 1718 De Lisle's map shows part on Island and part on Mainland N. 1744 Charlevoix's map shows it on S. Shore. 1760 Jeffrey's map shows old Mission on N. Shore, St. Ignace on S. Shore. 1761 Parkman's map in Pontiac shows the Mission on S. Shore.
The original mission seems to have been on the northern shore, map in Rel 1672; or perhaps on island, Marquette's map. Transferred to northern shore between 1673 and 1688; on N. shore till 1700. Restored on S. shore by Louvigney 1712. The mission on the island seems to have been casual. The mission began N. of lake, but after the restoration of post was begun in 1712 S. of strait.
H. H. HURLBUT, Esq., Chicago, Ill. Yours truly,
There is a possibility that Father Marquette set out from what is now known as Point St. Ignace, on his voyage to the Mississippi, in the spring of 1673. The map drawn by his own hand—to-day in St. Mary's College, Montreal—was no doubt drawn while he remained at the mission of St. Xavier, near Green Bay, from the autumn of 1673 to that of 1674. On that map, the mission of St. Ignace is located on the Island of Mackinac. This may be due to the fact that all the district and islands in the vicinity were included in the parish, and that a temporary station was established on the island. No doubt may exist, however, regarding the discovery of 1877. Marquette never in life returned to the Straits after the month of May, 1673.
The subject of placing a substantial monument over the grave was brought before the Village Board May 23, 1882, when the following preamble and resolution was offered by Trustee Reagon:
WHEREAS, Rev. Father Kilian Haas has invited the citizens of St. Ignace to contribute to the erection of a suitable memorial chapel over the grave of Marquette; and WHEREAS, This pioneer missionary, martyr and explorer planted here his mission, on the far frontier, more than two centuries ago, and here he lived and toiled, and, dying not far away, was returned here to a grave; and WHEREAS, His name and fame are, in a measure, bequeathed by time to the people of St. Ignace, who, recognizing his foresight, see for themselves a grand future for this the site of the mission he founded, and for the Upper Peninsula over which his watchful care extended; and in order that they may assist in perpetuating and preserving from desecration the grave of him whom it is sought to honor, therefore be it. Resolved, By the President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Saint Ignace, that the sum of — be, and the same is hereby, appropriated from the general fund, to be expended in the erection of a suitable iron fence, with stone copings and corners, and a gateway bearing some suitable inscription, such, as "Here for two centuries have rested the remains of Marquette. Erected by the people of Saint Ignace, 1882,"and that the sidewalk be laid with flagging, and that two iron street lamps be set at the curb and lighted every night, to point to the visitor and to remind the citizen that the people of Saint Ignace honor the memory of the illustrious dead of two centuries past; and it is further Resolved, That, with the approval of Father Kilian Haas, a contract shall be let for the work, which shall be first approved by the Council, executed under the inspection of the Committee of Public Improvements, and that D. Farrand Henry, Esq., civil engineer, be invited to assist in the plans and designs, and Father Kilian Haas be invited to co-operate with the committee in so far as his duties will permit.
The question received further consideration, with the result of having a monument erected to him by the people of the village. The "West will build his monument," in the prediction of Bancroft, yet unfulfilled.
Louis Grondin came from Canada about 1822, and Peter Grondin in 1824.
The settlers at St. Ignace then were: John Graham, Irish; Francois Perault, Mitchell Jeandrean, Mitchell Amnaut, Louis Charbonneau, J. B. Lajeunasse, French; Isaac Blanchette, American; Louis Martin, Francois Trucket, Charles Cettandre, French; — Hobb, American, and Francois De Levere, French.
Francois De Levere was the first to die; he was buried near the present Catholic Church before it was built in 1834, and before the building of the church began, in 1832.
The first American settlers at St. Ignace were Messrs. Hobbs, Puffer and Rousey, soldiers of the Revolution.
The first Irishmen who made a settlement at this point were John Graham, who came about 1818; he planted the trees now standing opposite the Catholic Church, and was a survivor of the Indian massacre at Hudson Bay; Patrick McNally came in 1847; John Chambers, Dominick, David, Michael and Patrick Murray came in 1848-49.
Among the Indians best known to the early settlers were Maconce, of Manistique; Nanbenwa, of St. Ignace; Anse and Cettago, of St. Helena; Chabowa, of the Snows; Chabogushing, of Pine River; Maskoose, Wishebenoit, or Benoit, Amal Benoit, of St. Helena; Mesdames Lafromboise, Fisher, Charnier, of Mackinac.
An old house built of cedar logs, hewn on both sides, stands near the water in the vicinity of the Martel Furnace. This building was erected by order of John Jacob Astor, for the purpose of storing furs, as well as of sheltering the voyageurs, who might arrive here at a time when a storm rendered a trip to the headquarters on the Island hazardous.
The following is a copy of the resolution incorporating the village of St. Ignace and describing the boundaries thereof, as passed February 24, 1882:
"In the matter of the petition of B. B. Hazelton and others, praying for the incorporation of the following described territory into a village of St. Ignace: Commencing at the shore of Lake Huron, at the dividing line between Townships 40 and 41 north, of Range 3 west, following the shore of said lake, and thereby to the south line of the land owned by Ignatius Reagon, thence west along the south line of said Reagon's land to the east line of the Detroit, Mackinac & Marquette Railroad; thence northerly along said line of said railroad to the north line of Private Claim No. 19, the dividing line between Townships 3 and 4 west; thence north along said dividing line of said township to the north line of Township 40 north, Range 3 west; thence east on the said north line of Town 40 north, Range 3 west; thence west to the place of beginning.
"It was ordered by the Supervisor's Board that this territory be, and the same is, incorporated into a village, to be called the village of St. Ignace. And it is further ordered that B. B. Hazelton, I. Reagon and William Hintz be, and the said B. B. Hazelton, I. Reagon and William Hintz are hereby, appointed Inspectors of the first election to be held in the said village of St. Ignace on the third Tuesday in March, 1882.
First Village Election.—March 23, 1882, was a day made doubly memorable by reason of the visit of the big storm and the holding of the first charter election in this village. The polls were opened at 10 A. M., Daniel Kanter casting the first ballot, which was followed during the day by eighty-two others. The caucus nominees were all elected, and the next day all had qualified as follows:
President—Brooks B. Hazelton. Clerk—Ambro Bettes. Treasurer—Peter A. Paquin. Marshal—William D'Arcy. Assessor—Fred Kruger. Trustees (two years)—Lewis Ryerse, Ignatius Reagon, Horatio Crain. Trustees (one year)—A. M. Withrow, Hyacinth Chenier, William Hintz.
James C. Conkling, trustee under the last will and testament of Edgar A. Conkling, filed a bill in the Circuit Court, in chancery, for Mackinac County, for the specific enforcement of the land contract made between himself and John Graham in 1857, the same covering Claim 1, St. Ignace. The defendants are the Graham heirs and their vendees, and this includes the D., M. & M. R. R. Co., Chambers Bros., the children of Archibald P. and Wilson Newton and the remainder of the Graham heirs. The prosecution will be conducted by James C. Conkling, a prominent attorney of Springfield, Ill., assisted here by P. N. Packard, and the defense by E. Hadley (attorney for the D., M. & M. R. R. Co.), Judge Brown and by Humphrey & Perkins, of Cheboygan. By this bill, Mr. Conkling asks the court to compel the defendants to deed to him, as Trustee, all of Claim 1 (excepting five acres) of 454 acres net, for the sum of $2,000. His claim is based on a land contract, made in 1857, by John Graham and Edgar A. Conkling, providing for the sale of said claim to Conkling for the sum mentioned, on which contract $25 was then paid.
Eva M. and Romaine I. Wendell, heirs-at-law of J. A. T. Wendell, deceased, by James Bennett, their next friend, have commenced an ejectment suit relative to Claim 13, against Benoni Lachance, Antoine Martin and Preston & Dolan. This suit involves the question of title to all of 13, save the Catholic Church property. Humphrey & Perkins for the plaintiffs; E. Hadley, Judge Brown and P. N. Packard for defendants.
The above are all suits in which initiatory steps have been taken to quiet title to the old French claims of St. Ignace, but more will undoubtedly be begun in the near future.
The first house of worship erected on the western shore of Lake Huron was that at St. Ignace, by Pere Marquette, in 1670-71. Subsequently, a church building was erected at Old Mackinac, which was moved to the Island after the transfer of the military post, and placed where is the old cemetery on Astor street. Those old buildings had passed away long before Father Matchichelli built the Island Church, in 1824, or Father Bouduel caused the erection of the house of worship at St. Ignace, in 1832. The present church at the latter mission was built in 1832, although Father Jacker gives the year 1838, and evidently left unimproved from that period until 1882, when it was restored by Rev. Killian Haas, of the Capuchin order.
A painting, representing St. Ignatius casting aside all worldly aims and embracing the spiritual life, is placed above the altar. There is a skull lying on his oratory table, while close by is the title-page of the book "Exercitia Spiritualia," or "Spiritual Retreat," which was published before his death, shortly after be resigned his military position. Representations of matrimony, a purse, a crown, a lute and a scourge are all present in the picture.
The painting was brought from Rome to France, next to Quebec and then to St. Ignace, by Rev. Pere Bouduel, in 1832, and placed over the altar of the little church, which he built that year.
The following named missionary priests have served in the Catholic Church at Michilimackinac, at St. Ignace and at other missions in the neighborhood. The dates set opposite their names indicate the first and the last years of their visits. Most of them made only occasional visits, having other parishes in their charge:
1741-52, Rev. J. B. Lamosinie, S. J.; 1742-65, Rev. P. Du Jaunay, S. J.; 1742-44, Rev. C. G. Coquarz, S. J.; 1753-61, Rev. M. L. Lefranc, S. J., 1768-75, Rev. Gibault, Vicar General Mission of Illinois; 1786-87, Rev. Payet; 1794, Rev. Ledru, Dominican; 1796, Rev. Levadoux, Vicar General of Baltimore; 1799-1823, Rev. Gabriel Richard, Curate of Ste. Anne, of Detroit, and Vicar General; 1804, Rev. J. Dilhet; 1816-18, Rev. Joseph Crevier; 1825-27, Rev. F. V. Badin; 1827-30, Rev. P. J. Dejean; 1830-33, Rev. Sam Mazzuchelli; 1833, Rev. J. Lostrie; 1833-34, Rev. F. Hatscher; Redempt; 1834-38, Rev. F. J. Bonduel; 1838-43, Rev. S. Santilli; 1843-45, Rev. C. Skolla; 1845, Rev. H. Van Renterghem; 1846-48, Rev. A. D. Piret; 1852, Rev. F. Pierz; 1854-57, Rev. E. L. M. Jahan; 1858-61, Rev. P. B. Murray; 1867, Rev. H. L. Chiele; 1868, Rev. C. Maguire; 1868-71, Rev. M. Orth; 1869-70, Rev. P. S. Zorn; 1870-71, Rev. N. L. Sifferath; 1871, Rev. C. Vary; 1871, Right Rev. Ignatus Mrack, Bishop; 1871-72, Rev. L. B. Lebouc; 1872-73, Rev. M. Mainville; 1873-80, Rev. E. Jacker; 1873-78, Rev. W. Dwyer; 1878-79, Rev. J. B. Braun.; 1879-81, Rev. John Kenny; 1880-81, Rev. C. A. Richards; 1881, Very Rev. P. Bonaventure, Prov. Cap. Order; 1881-82, Rev. Killian Haas, O. M. Cap.; 1881-82, Rev. Isidore Handtmann, O. M. Cap. Asst.
Rev. Frederick Baraga, afterward Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie, visited these missions.
The congregation comprises fifty Franco-American families, thirty-four Irish families and forty Indian families. The sermons are preached in English, French and Otchipwe. Together with these families, there are about 200 adults belonging to the congregation.
There are 660 acres of land adjoining the village belonging to the church. It is proposed to build a new church in a few years, and place the old one at the disposal of nuns for educational purposes.
Old Marriage Register.—Where the names of the same parties appear under different dates, the first date indicates the civil marriage or contract. The spelling of the names has been literally followed:
1—August 2, 1725, Pierre Parant and Marianne Chaboiller. 2—August 6, 1725, Jean Couchois and — ——. 3—January 6, 1726, Gabriel Bolon and Susanne Menard, 4—October 30, 1720, Antoine Menard and — —. 5—September 13, 1731, Augustin de L'anglade and Donitelle Villeneuve, widow of — Villeneuve. 6—April 18, 1735, Antoine Grignon and Anne Villeneuve, daughter of Madame Donitelle Villeneuve (now L'anglade). 7—September 22, 1735, Charles Chaboiller and Marianne Chevalier. 8—October 2, 1736, Claude Germain Gautier and Theresa Villeneuve. 9—January 7, 1737, Michel Rocherau and Marie Tiennote. 10—September 30, 1837. Jean du Ligne and Marie Angelique. 11—July 17, 1738, Pierre Grignon and Marguerite Chevalier. 12—September 20, 1738, Francois Boisghuilbert and Agathe Villeneuve, daughter of Madame Villeneuve (now L'anglade). 13—July 21, 1739, Pierre Locat and Marie Josephe Chevalier. 14—August 13, 1741, Jean Baptiste Gendron and Marie Judith. 15—August 30, 1741, Joseph Rains and Constante Chevallier, Master Mechanic at Fort Michilimackinac. 16—August 13, 1744, Rene Bourrassa and Charlotte Veronique Chevalier, son of Rene and Magadelaine Bourrassa, of Montreal, daughter of Jean Baptiste and Manon (Lavoine) Chevalier. 17———, 1746, Jean Baptiste Jourdain and —Reaume. 18—February 7, 1747, Pierre Pelletier and Francoise Parant, son of Pierre and Charlotte (Arnaud) Pelletier, daughter of Pierre and Marianne (Chaboiller) Parant. 19—July 1, 1747, Charles Personne and Susanne Reaume, son of Nicholas and Madaline (Lafevre) Personne, of Montreal, daughter of Jean Baptiste Reaume, of La Baie. 20—July 22, 1747, Jean Baptiste Tellier and Marie Josephe. 21—September 5, 1747, Joseph Guillon and Louisa Bolon, daughter of Gabriel and Susanne (Menard) Bolon. 22—February 4, 1748, Charles Hamelin and Marie Athanaise. 23—July 7, 1748, Jean Baptiste Jutras and Marie Catherine l'Archeveque. 24—August 2, 1748, Jacques Bariso and Marie Joseph Esther l'Archeveque. 25—August 30, 1749, Jean Manian l'Esperance and La Rose. 26—October 13, 1749, Joseph Victor Couvret and Marie Charlotte. 27—February 1, 1750, Poncelet Batillo Clermont and Francois (Cardinal) La Croix; a soldier, son of Jean and Marguerite (Pierrot) Batillo, Bishopric of Treves; widow of Pierre Hubert La Croix, of Lachine. 28—February 1, 1750, Jean Baptiste la Fievre and Francois Hubert La Croix. 29—January 11, 1751, Charles Chanteloup and Agathe Amoit, son of Francois Charles and Mathe Chauteloup, of Montreal; daughter of Jean Baptiste Ambrose Amoit. 30—July 6, 1751, Francoise Louis Cardin and Marie Constante (Chevalier) Hains; a soldier; widow of Joseph Hains. 31—July 25, 1751, Joseph Relle and Charlotte Parant. 32—June 4, 1752, Estienne Chesnier and Ann Therese Esther Chevalier. 33—July 6, 1752, Jean Brian and Francoise —. 34—January 29, 1753, Joseph d'Aillebout and Marianne Parant; daughter of; see No. 1. 35—July 16, 1753, Antoine Tellier and Charlotte Migsanonjean. 36—July 2, 1754, Michael Girardin and Marie Hyppolite Favre. 37—August 12, 1754, Charles Maras de Langlade and Charlotte Ambroisine Bourrassa. 38—August 15, 1754, Jean Baptiste Reaume and Maria, interpreter at La Baie. 39—November 30, 1754, Charles — and Marie; Charles —, a slave of Mr. Bourrassa; Marie —, a slave of Mr. Langlade, Jr. 40—May 25, 1755, Francois Brisbe and Marianne d'Aillebout; a Sergeant of garrison at Michilimackinac, son of Francois and Marie Brisbe, of Gooneville, Lower Normandy; Marianne (Parent) d' Aillebout, widow of Joseph d' Aillebout, Esq. 41—August 18, 1755, Nicholas Amiot and Susanne Nouvellant. 42—February 28, 1756, Jean Baptiste Cadot and Anastasia - 43—April 27, 1756, Charles Faulteux and Francois Amiot. 44—May 10, 1756, Claude Pelle and Marie; daughter of "Neskes," granddaughter of "Kinonchamei." 45—July 19, 1757, Jean Baptiste Metivier and Josette Chaboillez. 46—May 21,1758, Pierre le Duc and Agathe Villeneuve. 47—May 21, 1758, Jacques Gaillard and Marianne Jebean. 48—July 16, 1758, Michael Rocherau and Marie Tiennote. 49—July 24, 1758, Jean Baptiste Marcot and Marie Neskech. 50—August 6, 1758, Jean Cotenoir and Marie — 51—January 17, 1760, Michel Boyer and Josette Marguerite Dulignon. 52—July 13, 1761, Pierre Dupré and Marie Josephe Carignan. 53—August 16, 1762, Constant Kerigou, Jr., and Angelique Metivier. 54—July 25, 1763, Michel Joseph Marchettant and Therese Parant; daughter of; see No. 1. 55—May 4, 1764, Jean Baptiste Couchois and Angelique Sejourne. 56—July 24, 1765, Jean Baptiste Lebeau and Marie Josephe Jourdain. 57—July 25, 1768, Gabriel Cote and Agathe Desjardin. 58—July 28, 1768, Hyacinthe Hamelin and Marie Josephe Maingans. 59—June 23, 1775, Francois Maurice Lafontaine and Marie Anne Cardin. 60—October 6, 1775, Joseph Ainsse and Therese Bondy; son of —— see No. 15; daughter of Joseph and Cecile (Campeau) Bondy, of Detroit. 61—January 1, 1779, Charles Gautier and Magdelaine Chevalier; Lieut. Capitaine and King's Interpreter to the savages at Michilimackinac; son of; see No. 8; daughter of Louis Paschal and Magdelaine (Reaume) Chevalier. 62—April 19, 1781, Thomas Stone and Margaret Paterson, daughter of George Paterson, a soldier in the Eighth Regiment. 63—July 20, 1786, Charles Gautier and Magadelaine Chevalier; see note of No. 61. 64—July 20, 1786, Daniel Bourrassa and Marguerite Bertrand; son of Rene and Ann (Chevalier) Bourrassa; daughter of Laurent and Marie (Dulignon) Bertrand. 65—May 10, 1787, William Aiken and Elizabeth McDonald, of Dumfries, Scotland; Bombadier in the Fourth Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Artillery; daughter of John McDonald, late Sergeant in the Eighth, or King's Regiment of Foot. 66—August 8, 1787, Pierre Grignon and Louise Donnitelle Langlade; son of Pierre and Marguerite (Chevalier) Grignon, of Grondines, Quebec; daughter of Charles and Charlotte (Bourrassa) Langlade. 67—August 20, 1787, Louis Hamelin and Josephte Legable, son of Charles and Arvaci Hamelin, of Montreal. 68—November 15, 1791, James M. Hamilton and Louisa Mitchell, Ensign in the First Regiment; daughter of David Mitchell, Esq. 69—January 21, 1792, Jean Baptiste Laborde and Marguerite Machar Chevalier. 70—March 19, 1792, Alexis Laframboise and Josette Adhemar; born at Three Rivers, Canada, son of Jean Bte. and Genevieve (La Bissonniere) Laframboise; daughter of Antoine and Genevieve (Blondeau) Adhemar, of Detroit. 71—July 1, 1792, Charles Chandonnet and Charlotte Marcot; see note to No. 102. 72—January 14, 1794, Paul Gina and Marie Josephte. 73—February 6, 1794, Jean Baptiste Lafontaine and Marguerite —. 74—June 25, 1794, Jean Bonga and Jeanne —;liberated negro slaves of Capt. Daniel Robertson; they kept the first hotel on the Island of Mackinac, on Front street, where Overall's saloon now stands. 75—October 6, 1794, Jean Baptiste Mineville and Charlotte —. 76—September 21, 1795, Joseph Lauret Bertrand and Felicite Carignant; widower of Marie Therese Dulignon; widow of Jean Louis Carignant, who was Notary Public and Superintendent of Navigation of Lake Michigan, and drowned at Michilimackinac December 13, 1791. 77—July 29, 1796, Alexis Laframboise and Josephe Adhemar; see note of No. 70. 78—July 30, 1796, Joseph Laurent Bertrand and Felicite (Pillet) Carignant; see note of No. 76. 79—August 8, 1796, Michel Brisbois and Donnitelle Gautier; son of Joseph and Marguerite (Devault) Brisbois; daughter of Charles and Magdelaine (Chevalier) Gautier. 80—December 7, 1796, Michel La Bruyere and Inacvois Kamoquoy. 81—January 21, 1797, Andre Charlebois and Josephe Hamelin. 82—July 23, 1798, Isidore Pelletier and Sophie Soloman. 83—January 28, 1799, Andre Lachaine and Susanne J. Irebour. 84—May 16, 1799, Charles Maillet and Isabelle McDonald. 85—July 22, 1799, Pierre Lacroix and Marie McGulpin; eldest son of Pierre and Therese (Lafranse) LaCroix, of Quebec; youngest daughter of Patrick and Magdelaine (Crequi) McGulpin. 86—August 5, 1799, Jacques Vasseur and Madeline —; son of Jacques and Madeleine Vasseur, of Montreal. 87—January 19, 1800, Louis Hamelin and Marie Louise. 88—April 20, 1800, Jacques Chauvin and Angelique —. 89—July 28, 1800, Andre Sarrare and Irsule Mercier. 90—December 30, 1800, Joseph Gautier and Louise Le Vasseur. 91—January 25, 1801, Francois Courtemanche and Magdelaine Waters. 92—April 6, 1801, Jean Baptiste Maiot and Marie Josephe Taillefer. 93—October 18, 1801, Stephen G. Hogan and Marie Vaillancour; daughter of —; see note to No. 95. 94—August 17, 1802, Guillaume Varin and Marguerite Bourassa. 95—February 18, 1804, Charles Marly and Marie Josephe Vaillancourt; daughter of Joseph and Marie (Bourgois) Vaillancourt.
The name of Joseph Vaillancourt suggests a little piece of local history. The building that is now the Government granary was used in early days as a storehouse. It was noticed that there was a larger percentage of shrinkage in a certain barrel of pork that is allowed even now by the Commissary General, and that when a change of level of the brine occurred, it took place during the night. A sharpened steel trap was prepared and anchored beneath the surface of the brine.
A day or two afterward, the brine presented a reddish tinge, and a day or two later, the post surgeon was called upon to complete the amputation of two fingers. No fees were charged, no questions asked, and no information volunteered as to who or what began and left the operation unfinished.
Joseph Vaillancourt died June 13, 1845, aged ninety-four years.
Charles Marly died May 26, 1856, aged seventy-eight years.
96—June 30, 1804, Jean Baptiste Maiot and Marie Josephe Taillefer. 97—July 1, 1804, Joseph Gautier and Louise Vasseur; son of Nicholas and Marie (Champeau) Gautier. 98—July 11, 1804, Joseph Laframboise and Magdalaine Marcot; son of Jean Bte. and Marguerite (La Bissoniere) Laframboise; daughter of — — ; see No. 49. Magdelaine Laframboise died April 4, 1846, aged sixty-six years and two months. 99—July 12, 1804, George Schindler and Therese Marcot; son of Jonas and Genevieve (Maranda) Schindler; daughter of ——, see No. 49; born 1776. 100—July 13, 1804, Jacques Jauvan and Angelique —. 101—July 13, 1804, Francois Grignon and Angelique Gravalle. 102—July 13, 1804, Charles Chandonnet and Charlotte Marcot; son of Andre and Charles (Fichot) Chandonnet; daughter of — —; see No. 49. Charlotte Chandonnet died January 2, 1806, and was buried in the old Roman Catholic Cemetery, on Astor street.
Mr. D. A. Winslow, in his historical sketch of Berrien County, describes the death and burial of Charles Chandonnet as follows:
During the war of 1812, and in that year, John B. Chandonai was in the service of the United States, and was engaged in carrying dispatches from Detroit to Chicago. On one of his trips from Chicago, in company with the elder Robert Forsythe, he stopped near the mouth of St. Joseph River, and camped near the upper end of the Burnett orchard. His uncle of the same name, then stationed at Mackinac, but that place, being in the possession of the British, was sent by the commandant of that post, with a force of some thirty Indians in canoes, to intercept John B. with the dispatches, and to take him prisoner to Mackinac. This force arrived in the night, and early in the morning his uncle called on John B., and made known his business. John B. had a double-barreled gun in his hands, and told his uncle he should not go with him or be taken prisoner. He then drew a line on the ground, and told his uncle he must not cross it; but his uncle, determined on his victim, drew his sword and advanced. As he stepped over the line, he was shot dead by the nephew.
The report of the gun aroused the Indians, who went to John's camp. He met them as he did his uncle, and, speaking their language, pointed to his uncle's dead body and to the dead line; said he had shot his uncle to save his own life; that he was sorry he had to do it, but if taken prisoner, he himself would have been killed; that he would not be taken alive, and the first one that attempted to cross the line was a dead Indian. The Indians held a council, and terms were agreed upon. The Indians were to have ten gallons of whisky the next morning—were to help John B. bury his uncle immediately—he and his traveling companion were to be allowed to depart in peace. Arrangements were made with Mr. Burnett, by which the Indians were to have the whisky as agreed upon. John B. buried his uncle on the hill back of his camp, and, after raising a cross over his grave, he and Mr Forsythe immediately departed for Detroit. The next morning, Mr. Burnett gave the Indians the ten gallons of whisky, and they started for Mackinac.
103—July 16, 1804, Andre Lachaine and Susanne Irbour. 104—July 16, 1804, Jean Baptiste Bertand and Marguerite —. 105—July 16, 1804, Charles Marly and Joseph Vaillancourt. 106—July 16, 1804, Paul Gina and Marie Josephte. 107—July 17, 1804, Guillaume Varin and Marguerite Bourassa. 108—March 15, 1808, John Dousman and Rosalie La Borde; eldest son of John and Catherine (Barckman) Dousman, of Pittsburgh, Penn; daughter of Jean Bte. and Marguerite (Chevallier) La Borde. 109—July 31, 1817, Francois Paget and Celeste Reed. 110—August 11, 1821, William McGulpin and Magdelaine Bourrassa; eldest son of Patrick McGulpin; eldest daughter of Daniel and Marguerite (Bertrand) Bourrassa. 111—August 13, 1821, Francois Paget and Celeste Reed. 112—August 13, 1821, John Dousman and Rosalie La Borde; see note of No. 108. 113—August 1, 1823, Augustin Hamlin and Angelique Kiminitchawgan; son of Louis and Josephte Hamelin; daughter of Kiminitchaw and ?ichigik?a. 114—August 2, 1834, Jean Baptiste Perault and Marianne Jeandron; son of Jean Baptiste and Catherine (Lafleur) Perault: daughter of Michel and Anobin Jeandron.
Jean Baptiste Perault was a Canadian, who came to Mackinac while quite young, and previous to the war of 1812. He died some years ago, leaving no heirs here. There is a large and valuable property in Michigan awaiting the claiming of his relatives. Genealogists will do well to look at their records.
115—August 10, 1837, Petrus Ains and Maria Anna Lazard, daughter of Antoine and Catharine Lazari.
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