Francis Trucky

Mackinac County Original Land Claims
American State Papers, House of Representatives, 20th Congress, 1st Session
Public Lands: Volume 5 – Beginning page 220 for Michilimackinac

Book No. 6
Claims within the County of Michilimackinac

Year 1828. CLAIMS IN MICHIGAN. Page 244              


Claim of Francis Trucky.


MACKINAC, July 29, 1823.

I, Francis Trucky, hereby enter my claim, under the laws for ascertaining and deciding upon claims to lands in the Territory of Michigan, to a tract of land situate on Point St. Ignace, opposite to the island of Michilimackinac, in said Territory, lying on the shore of the bay or head of Lake Huron, and bounded as follows, to wit: southerly by a claim of Augustin Amlin, and northerly by a claim of Antoine Martin jr., being three acres in width, and running back from the margin of said lake eighty arpents.


Personally appeared before me, Varnum I. Card, a justice of the peace in and for the county of Michiimackinac and Territory of Michigan, Joseph Delvare, of lawful age, who, having been duly sworn, doth depose and say that in. the year A. D. 1812, and for a number of years previous thereto, Francis Trucky had. the possession of and occupied and cultivated a certain piece or tract of land situated on Point St. Ignace, opposite to the island of Michilimackinac, in said Territory, lying on the shore or head of Lake Huron, and bounded as follows, to wit: southerly by a claim of Augustin Amlin, and northerly by a claim of Antoine Martin, jr., being three acres in width, and extending back from the margin of said lake eighty arpents; that on the 1st day of July, A. D. 1812, he, the said Francis Trucky, cultivated and occupied said piece of land, and has, for a long time previous to said year 1812 till the present time, had the possession of, and occupied, improved, and cultivated said piece of land; and that he, the said Francis, has submitted to the authority of the United States of America. And further this deponent saith not.
his mark.



TERRITORY OF MICHIGAN, County of Michilimackinac, ss:

Personally appeared before me, the said Varmim I. Card, justice of the peace as aforesaid, the above-named deponent, and made solemn oath that the facts contained in the foregoing deposition are true. Witness my hand this 26th day of July, 1823.

V. I. CARD, J.P.C.M.


Personally appeared before me, Varnum I. Card, justice of the peace in and for the county of Michilimackinac, in the Territory of Michigan, Antoine Martin, jr., of lawful age, who, having been, duly sworn, doth depose and say that in the year A. D. 1812, and for a number of years previous thereto, Francis Trucky had the possession of and occupied and cultivated a certain piece or tract of laud situated on Point St. Ignace, opposite to the island of Michilimackinac, in said Territory, lying on the shore of the bay or head of Lake Huron, and bounded a follows, to wit: southerly by a claim of Augustin Amlin, and northerly by a claim of Antoine Martin, jr., being three acres in width, and running back from the margin of said lake eighty arpents; that on the 1st day of July, in the year aforesaid, he, the said Francis, cultivated and occupied said piece of laud, and has, for a long time previous to the said year 1812 till the present time, had the possession of and occupied and cultivated said piece of land; and that he, the said Francis, has submitted to the authority of the United States. And further this deponent saith not.
his mark.



TERRITORY OF MICHIGAN, County of Michilimackinac, ss:

Personally appeared the above-named deponent, and made oath that the facts stated in the foregoing deposition are true, before me, this 26th day of July, 1824.



DETROIT, October 29, 1823.

At their sitting of this day the commissioners confirm to Francis Trucky the tract described in the preceding notice of claim.

Transcribed by Patricia Hamp © March 2006

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