Charles Marley

Mackinac County Original Land Claims
American State Papers, House of Representatives, 20th Congress, 1st Session
Public Lands: Volume 5 – Beginning page 220 for Michilimackinac

Book No. 6
Claims within the County of Michilimackinac

Year 1828. CLAIMS IN MICHIGAN. Page 234


NOTICE.-Charles Marley enters his claim with the register of the land office at ---- to a certain tract or lot of land situate at Michilimackinac, bounded as follows, viz: on the south side by Lake Huron, (reserving one hundred feet from high-water mark for highway,) three chains and twenty-five links, on the east by a lot claimed by Augustus Cadott, on the north by a lot confirmed to Borson and Laroche, and on the west by a road leading to the lake.


By his attorney,



On the 16th day of August, 1823, came before me, the undersigned justice of the peace, at Michilimackinac, Patrick McGulpin, who, being duly sworn, saith that some time previous to the year 1812 Charles Marley planted and cultivated the tract of land mentioned in the annexed notice, and also was in possession of the same on the 1st day of July, 1812, and still is in possession of the same; that said Charles Marley has a dwelling-house erected on said lot, has a considerable improvement made thereon, and hath always remained in peaceable possession of the said lot.


Sworn and subscribed to this 16th day of August, 1823, before me.



On the same day of August, in the year aforesaid, came also before me Jean Baptiste Tesserron, who, being duly sworn, saith that some time previous to the late war between the United States and Great Britain Charles Marley was in possession, and planted the tract of land mentioned in the annexed notice. The said Marley was in possession of said lot on the 1st day of July, 1812, and is still in possession of the same; that said Charles has a dwelling-house and a considerable improvement thereon.

His mark.


Sworn and subscribed before me.



On the same day and year aforesaid also came before me Simon Champaigne, who, being duly sworn, saith that for some time previous to the late war between the United States and Great Britain Charles Marley was in possession of said lot on the 1st day of July, 1812, and is still in possession, and has a dwelling-house and a considerable improvement made thereon.

His mark.


Sworn and subscribed to before me.



Detroit, October 28, 1823.

In the case of Charles Marley, the commissioners decide that he be confirmed in a tract having the front mentioned in his notice of claim, and extending in depth as far as occupied on the 1st day of July, 1812, with legal limitations.

Transcribed by Patricia Hamp © March 2006

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