Year 1828. CLAIMS IN MICHIGAN. Page 233
NOTICE. Augustus Cadott enters his claim with
the register of the land office at Detroit to a certain tract or lot
of land situated at Michilimackinac, bounded as follows: on the west
by a lot claimed by Charles Marley, on the north by a lot confirmed
to Protier and Lapante, on the east by Ignace Pilot, and on the
south by Lake Huron, (reserving one hundred feet from high-water
mark for the public highway.) REX ROBINSON.
On August 16, 1823, came before me, the undersigned, justice of the peace, at Michilimackinac, Patrick McGulpin, who, being duly sworn, saith that some time previous to the year 1812 Augustus Cadott planted and cultivated the lot of land described in the annexed notice, and also was in possession of the same on July 1, 1812, and still is in the possession of the same; that said Augustus Cadott has a dwelling-house erected on said lot, has a considerable improvement made thereon, and has always remained in peaceable possession of the same. Taken and subscribed before me. PATRICK McGULPIN. LEW. BAILY, Justice of the Peace.
On the same day and year aforesaid came also before me Jean Baptiste Tesserron, who, being duly saith that for some time previous to the late war between the United States and Great Britain Augustus Cadott was in the possession, and planted and cultivated the tract or lot of land mentioned in the annexed notice. Said Augustus Cadott was in possession of said lot on July 1, 1812, and is still in possession of the same; that said Augustus has a dwelling-house and a considerable improvement thereon. his mark. Sworn and subscribed before me. LEW. BAILY, Justice of the Peace.
On the same day of August, in the year aforesaid, also came before me Simon Champaigne, who, being duly sworn, saith that for some time previous to the late war between the United States and Great Britain Augustus Cadott was in possession, and cultivated the lot of ground described in the annexed notice. The said Augustus Cadott was in possession of said lot on July 1, 1812, and is still in possession, and has a dwelling-house and a considerable improvement made thereon. His mark. SIMON CHAMPAIGNE Sworn and subscribed before me. LEW. BAILY, Justice of the Peace.
Detroit, October 28, 1823. In the preceding case of Augustus Cadott, the commissioners decide that as the number of acres, the extent of front claimed, or the courses of the lines are not given, he be confirmed in the number of acres which he may have actually occupied July 1, 1812, subject to the limitation of the law. |
Transcribed by Patricia Hamp © March 2006
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